Wednesday, July 30, 2014

FAQ about Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Surgery)

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift Surgery) Pittsburgh- Frequently Asked Questions

 Q: What surgeries are appropriate following significant weight loss (the kind that left me with excess loose skin)?

A: While patients work hard to achieve significant weight loss, unfortunately they are often left with loose skin and stretch marks that are impossible to change without surgery. These can be addressed with a combination of various procedures, the most popular and common of which is a tummy tuck. However, a thigh lift and an arm lift (a.k.a. brachioplasty) often accompany this procedure. Arm lifts, or brachioplasties, involve the removal of excess skin of the upper arm. This procedure can also be in conjunction with liposuction of the upper arm.

Q: Can I tighten the loose skin without surgery?

A: Maintaining strong muscles can be helpful when you want a sleek upper arm. Our non-surgical ultrasound skin tightening technology, Ultherapy, is typically used on the neck area, but the company is investigating its use for other body parts such as the upper arms. However, the effectiveness of Ultherapy on the upper arms has not yet been evaluated by the FDA, so we tell patients that the only way to have a guaranteed permanent result is through a brachioplasty surgical procedure.

Monday, July 14, 2014

FAQ about Lower Body Lift Surgery

Lower Body Lift Surgery Pittsburgh Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is a lower body lift procedure following significant weight loss considered cosmetic or can it be covered by insurance?

A: This is a good question. It varies from patient to patient, depending on factors like the amount of weight lost, the amount and placement of excess loose skin, and the patient’s insurance provider. Often, when significant weight loss has led to large skin folds and very little skin elasticity, the only effective way to remove the folds is surgically. In many cases, this is not considered cosmetic and is covered by insurance. However, this can only be determined during a consultation with Dr. Anna Wooten a Board certified plastic surgeon in Pittsburgh PA.
Q: What regions of the body are addressed by a lower body lift?

A: Typically, lower body lifts tighten the skin all the way around a patient’s midsection. The surgery varies from patient to patient according to their needs, so it may be more or less extensive than the standard.

Essential Things to Consider Before Undergoing A Breast Augmentation Procedure

Numerous women are fascinated with breast augmentation because of its great benefits. They have a lot of questions when it comes to this type of procedure since they want to make sure that everything will be perfect.
Of course, before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure in Pittsburgh PA, it is very essential to take some things under consideration. The following are some of the important issues that you should be aware of before undergoing breast augmentation procedure:
• Do thorough research before having the procedure. If you are planning to undergo a certain procedure like augmentation of your breasts, then you have to know several things about the treatment. It would be easier for you to imagine the results of the procedure if you are aware of all the things which comprise the treatment. In your research, you should know the possible consequences that might happen; the pros and cons of the treatment; the cost of the procedure, the period of recovery time, the proper maintenance during the recovery time and some others things. By having this knowledge, you can anticipate all the things that might happen during and after the breast augmentation procedure.
• Find the best cosmetic surgeon for you. Finding an ideal surgeon who will perform the procedure is really a challenging part, because it requires an extensive research as well. When you are already on their site, it is advisable to read some reviews which can help in making decisions. In addition to reading reviews or comments on the doctor's own site, make sure that you search other sources as well.
• Once you have found a plastic surgeon in Pittsburgh who will perform a breast augmentation procedure, you can directly contact her/him. You can visit her/his office and consult about your purpose. The more you know about the breast augmentation procedure, the easier it will be for you to discuss it with the doctor you've chosen..
These primary reminders should always be considered when you would like to have a treatment like augmentation of your breasts. These things will make it more likely that you have a successful treatment.